• 首页town: Military Brat
    • Alma Mater: Trinity University - Class of 2016 and 2018
    • Year I Joined the Trinity Office of Admissions: 2019
    • Students I Work With: Alaska, Pacific Northwest (Oregon, Washington, 爱达荷州, Montana), Nevada, Northern California, and Texas (El Paso and San Antonio)
    • Favorite College Course: One of the many classes that I loved was Oral Interpretation taught by Sam. It was a mixture of theater, public speaking skills, and storytelling. Each week, we would select any written work that we wanted to perform in front of our peers. It was fascinating to see the text selections my peers made and how they chose to interpret them. I took this class during my first year at Trinity and was pleased to get to know a diverse group of students across all 4 years, involved in vastly different activities through this hilarious, intimate, and meaningful course.
    • Favorite Trinity Experience: My favorite Trinity experience comes once a year, so thankfully I get to relive it now, even as an alum! It is the Vespers Christmas service in Parker Chapel and Christmas on Oakmont that follows it. As a part of the Trinity Chamber Choir, it was always wonderful to sing with my peers but especially so when accompanied by members of the TU and San Antonio community. The evening only gets better as we would carol down Oakmont and share Christmas goodies in the warmth of the president and faculty’s beautifully adorned homes. It’s a delight for all the senses and my favorite way to prepare for the holiday season. 
    • One Thing I Love 关于 San Antonio: The size! San Antonio perfectly embodies the goldilocks phenomenon of being not too small and not too large. Because of its sprawling nature, it feels more like a large town than the 7th largest city in the US, and has been an amazing place to call home for the past 10 years. That said, after a decade I am still so excited to try different restaurants, experience new traditions, and engage with the diverse community that we attract.
    • College 搜索 Advice: If possible, try a little bit of everything! 访问 a large public school and a small liberal arts school. Go to rural and urban areas and see how you feel in each environment. While you’re there, seize every opportunity, whether that is taking a tour, eating lunch with current students, meeting with faculty members, or having an interview. Pay attention to your gut response during these interactions. Does this feel like it could be home? Would you want to have friends like these? Could you learn well and challenge yourself in this environment? Check in with yourself throughout this process so that you can find the school that will be the best fit for you.